SteelSeries Warcraft Gaming Mouses

SteelSeries Warcraft Gaming Mouses
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Our family has five WoW accounts mom, dad and each of the kids. This is our third WoW mouse for the third kid. We have only ever had an issue with one that was bad right out of the box and the manufacturer gladly swapped it out free of charge. One has been Raiding and PvPing since we saw it on BlizzCon, with a spotless service record. If you can't get the easy download to take there is a problem with your security settings not the mouse software. Takes all macros and has so many 

settings it may be difficult for some of the less computer adept players to figure out beyond action bar settings. Love it have tried Lazer and some of the expensive 18 button mouse's but their buttons are harder to reach and do not allow some macros and ui's to work with their programming. THIS MOUSE WAS MADE JUST FOR WoW AND PERFORMS LIKE A TRUE "HERO". Don't bother with another brand just go with this one.